the art of being present

Be. Present.

Join me for a unique masterclass where I share my insights on how to be PRESENT in front of an audience or on camera
(so that you will REALLY connect to your audience...)

is it for you?

In this Masterclass,
I will let you in on:

- How to stay present no matter what happens
- What to do if you "lose" it
- How to practice
- How to use it not only on stage/camera but to enrich your entire life

register for the masterclass here

June 30th
12pm (noon) NY time
60min plus Q&A

registration complete

Thanks for joining!

Mark your calendar:
Friday June 30th
12pm (noon) NY time
60min plus Q&A

zoom link: yes - the zoom link will also arrive via email just before the masterclass!Looking forward to seeing you there!

my offer to you

Let's Talk!

We will find out where you are at with speaking from the heart, where you want to go and how you can get there.
Then I will give you all ideas I got on what would help you do it!
Just book a meeting with me here: